5 Ways to Make Your Business Safer


Although some industries are more dangerous than others, any workplace can be the scene of an accident. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 700,000 people experience non-fatal injuries at work every year.

As a business, taking steps to improve safety helps to reduce your liability, which is why it should be your top priority. With this in mind, take a look at these five simple ways to make your business safer:

1. Conduct a Safety Audit

You can only make meaningful changes to the safety of your workplace when you know what the risks are. Regular safety audits ensure you’re up to date with potential risks and able to implement effective strategies to reduce them.

Although you can carry out your own safety audits, using a professional risk consultant allows you to access additional expertise and guidance. 

2. Implement a Fire Safety Strategy

Commercial fires often occur due to equipment malfunctions or human error, which means they can be prevented. If you want to prevent tragic events, start by arranging for a fire inspection to be carried out.

This ensures your workplace can be assessed and effective fire prevention strategies enforced. From emergency exit routes to smart sprinklers and well-maintained circuitry, these are just some of the ways you can upgrade your fire prevention protocols.

3. Train Staff Regularly

Sadly, many workplace accidents occur when staff make mistakes or use the wrong equipment. By providing effective training at regular intervals, you can ensure that employees are able to navigate the workplace safely and perform their duties without putting themselves or anyone else at risk.

When staff recognize the risk factors in your workplace, they’re able to implement appropriate risk management techniques and prevent accidents from occurring, so don’t overlook the enhanced safety and ROI that regular training can offer. 

4. Provide Safety Equipment

If you don’t provide staff with appropriate equipment or safety protection, accidents are likely to occur. What’s more – you could be held criminally liable if you don’t implement relevant health and safety regulations.

Ensuring staff have access to appropriate safety equipment is essential, no matter what industry you operate in. In addition to this, meticulous record-keeping will mean you can provide evidence of the steps you’ve taken to keep staff safe, if you ever need to do so. 

5. Promote a Good Work-Life Balance

Workplace injuries don’t always arise because of one-off accidents. In some instances, occupational diseases, overwork and/or stress can affect an employee’s wellbeing and leave you facing potential claims for compensation.

By promoting a healthy work environment and encouraging staff to maintain a good work-life balance, however, you can prioritize employee wellbeing and protect your business. 

Running a Healthy Business

When you make health and wellness a top priority, you aren’t just meeting your legal obligations; you’re showing your employees, clients and customers how much you value their welfare.

This reinforces your commitment to them and helps to gain their trust and loyalty, which will have a positive impact on your workplace and your operations as a whole.