Wednesday, May 8, 2024
customer churn

5 Reasons for Customer Churn and What You Can Do About It

Customer churn is the rate at which customers stopped using your company's product or service during a specific time period. It's usually calculated by dividing the number of customers lost in a...

Ways to Improve Your Company From Within

It is safe to say that every organization out there wants to run their offices as efficiently as possible, having the best company culture. The goal is to offer the best services...
positive culture

The Importance of Having a Positive Company Culture

Every company, no matter how big or small needs positive work culture within its ranks so the employees would feel motivated and appreciated. Mostly, people believe that money is the main and most important...

Better Sleep for Business: How Busy Entrepreneurs Can Hack Their Sleep

The stress of being an entrepreneur can have a severe impact on your quality of sleep. When you run your own business, you can’t exactly clock out at five and call it a day....
Why use CRM Software to streamline your Business process?

Why use CRM Software to streamline your Business process?

CRM (customer relationship management) software is a must for businesses as it offers many benefits that can increase efficiency and productivity.  CRM is the fastest-growing industry and is expected...
Follow these 8 steps to give negative feedback that will actually boost motivation

How to Give Negative Feedback to Boost Motivation: 8 Steps

It may seem like a paradox: giving negative feedback to boost motivation? Sounds impossible. However, it all depends on how you look at it. As they always say: a mistake is just an opportunity for learning. Therefore,...
These are the four best remote team tools to really boost your team management and productivity

The 4 Best Remote Team Tools for Effective Team Management

Working remotely is a great thing, but in order to do it effectively you'll need the best remote team tools to really get great results. Of course, for your employees (and yourself), it's important to...
Invest in growth

When should you invest in growth?

Business is going well. Your customers are happy and the money’s coming in. But sales have plateaued. They’re not terrible – but nor are they setting the world alight. Is it time...
How Does Salesforce CRM Help Small Businesses?

How Does Salesforce CRM Help Small Businesses?

Salesforce's services, along with Salesforce CRM services, use cloud technology, which means there is no requirement to spend money on costly server infrastructure to use the services. CRM solutions can improve the...
Financial Statements Every Successful Entrepreneur Should Review Monthly

Financial Statements Every Successful Entrepreneur Should Review Monthly

Regardless of the type of business you run, it's a must to acquire the business's financial situation. Everyone with a business understands that analyzing the financial situation of any business requires financial...