Data-Driven Ways to Boost Employee Morale

Managing a team can feel like an impossible task — you have to balance the business’s goals with your teams abilities and happiness. It can seem like the profit and team morale are at odds, as it takes longer hours and harder work to compete. However, many leaders underestimate the importance of the team’s happiness on the bottom line. Studies have shown that businesses with engaged employees outperform those without engaged employees by a whopping 202%. What this means that prioritizing your team’s morale is just as important as meeting every project deadline, and can in fact help you do just that.

There are several areas that you can focus your efforts to increase happiness. So whether your team could use a boost, or you simply want to make sure you’re doing everything you can as a manager, take some time to assess how you can improve your team’s morale. Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

The Incentives

While you’re probably aware that money does play a role in how motivated an employee is, it’s important to note that this is not the only way to incentivize them. 80% of employees with a variety of perks identify with their organization’s vision and values. What this means is that if you take time to offer wide range of benefits to fit their many needs, workers are more likely to be engaged. So in addition to health insurance, consider offering career development, recognize achievements, and allow flexible schedules.

The Culture

At its core, the office should simply be a positive place to work. Help support employees as the develop by implementing a mentoring program, and practicing gratitude for the work that they do. Let employees know that you care about them as a person by doing your best to maintain their work-life balance, and consider offering wellness programs.

The Communication

Make it as easy as possible for them to do their jobs effectively by striving to communicate clearly and efficiently. 96% of workers say that unnecessary emails waste their time. So make an effort to only send a mass email when necessary, and open other communication channels like a work chat group for other needs. As technology changes, so should your company. In addition, do your best not to send work-related emails outside of working hours. This will help maintain your team’s work-life balance.

The Office

Even small details can make difference in how your employees feel throughout the day. Something as simple as a adding a few plants has been shown to increase productivity by 15%. Other factors like natural light and office snacks can go a long way to keep your workers happy and motivated all day long. Make work more efficient for them by providing two screens, and you may see productivity increase by as much as 50%.

The Management

The final piece in the puzzle is you. Having a boss that cares about them and treats them with respect can make all the difference. If you aren’t directly managing most of your team, it’s important to choose those who will be wisely. As a manager you should be focused on identifying your employees strengths and helping them grow. To do this, give feedback weekly. Studies show that 43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback at least once a week. In addition, trust them enough to allow a bit of freedom to choose some projects, and work in the way that works for them.

Often times the most successful companies are the ones with the happiest employees. It makes sense. We all do our best work when we feel appreciated. So no matter if your business is just starting out, or you’re an experienced leader, take some time to focus on your employees, and you’ll be sure to see the positive impact on your business in a multitude of ways.